You've twisted what's been said, inaccurately stated that direct rebuttals of your arguments are lacking substance, and then tried to turn the conversation toward ridiculous "20 questions" in hopes of somehow pulling your argument out of a nosedive (yes, to most reading it you sound childish and bitter). If you can just keep yelling "silopsism"maybe you can create enough word salad and confusion that the odd, uninvested thread-reader might think you've won a prize? Some might say your tactics seem very much like a certain current world leader.
Usually I'd leave such a ridiculous response as yours alone, but you've made some arguments that I want to comment on...
I am Center Left. You feel the need to attack my self-identification. Is that really a winning argument for someone on the Left?
Are people who value honsety and truthfulness Alt-Right? If that's the case, all idealists are Alt-Right. Do you even realize you're arguing that very case?
You decry picking “low hanging fruit” as chum for the Alt-Right, but in doing so you make an argument for inaction when truth is inconvenient. I guess your view on crime would be only arrest people that fit a particular narrative.
You cannot constantly use "but they caused it!" as a defense. I hear many children on the playground use that “defense.” People are responsible for their actions... unless they're children. Have we been talking about children?
I hate giving in to childish demands like “Give me names if you're so smart!” You can never win those “conversations.” You'll never give enough names or the “right” names. Something will always be “wrong” with your reply... simply because these demands are meant to be a trap. Well, sobeit...
I do have feminists who I respect.
Mary Wollstonecraft, leader of the movement for Womens' suffrage.
Eleanor Roosevelt. Do I need to tell you who she was? She was probably the strongets and most honorable woman to have ever shared the White House. Heck, more than a feminist, she's the reason Tuskegee entered “the fight” in WWII!
Gloria Steinem. I don't always agree with her, but I respect that she believes in her message and isn't a charlatan.
Lastly, by the way you ended your response (reagrding authors), you obviously have no idea who Jack Thompson is and why I included him in this conversation. He's directly related to this games conversation and you really should learn something.
I have no more time for your idiocy. Feel free to keep screaming “silopsism” and trying to look inteligent. I have no more time to spend on your childishness.