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low rated
xSinghx: Ok so let's just accept..
Mafwek: There is a problem of representation?
As I said before - not for solipsists .
low rated
novumZ: Thank you for the informative link +1.
I knew for a long long time of racism against Polish and other Slavic nations.
When my Mom brought me from Poland to the United States in 1990 against my will I first got a taste of human disregard in the school: being called dumb polak, having my backpack grabbed from me and thrown across the hallway by other students. I fell into a deep depression and finally woke up in 2014 thanks to genuine help from a doctor and a therapist; they saved my life.
I was brought up with love is my point and I went through a lot here. It definately made me a strong person but I have to take anti anxiety medications for the rest of my life now which sucks. But I do my best to be as good to myself and other beings as I possibly can.
richlind33: I'm a huge believer in identifying as a human being. When you focus on commonality instead of differences, the world looks totally different.
Exactly. Maybe they try to divide Women and Men on purpose.
I know elites are afraid when we are strong together and make world more just and better for everyone. Divided we will never move forward as a society we'll just stay in sexes conflict.
If you want to succeed as a con artist, at least have "DOCTOR" in your title.

See: Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Dr. Drew, Dr. Pepper (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
low rated
xSinghx: As I said before - not for solipsists .
Solipsism is great!
low rated
windows984ever: If you want to succeed as a con artist, at least have "DOCTOR" in your title.

See: Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Dr. Drew, Dr. Pepper (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dr Seuss
low rated
Many peoples brains here are faulty and they hide behind that (-) button.

I tried to tell you all before it turned into a shitstorm that Anita was a charlatan and a fake but you lot all hit the (-) button like you did on me here I have a sneaking suspicion of whom it really is

Yes I am part of the alt right boo friggin hoo (got sick of being attacked online by annoying idiots claiming they were leftists, feminists and SJW types)

The alt right and the Libertarians aren't what you think we are, You're all concentrating on the morons that made us look bad

I tried stopping it from becoming a shitstorm

bet many of you didn't know that it could have been a lot worse people could have lost their lives over it

I told anita before she blocked comments on her video to think before she did anything that could get people killed!

remember those bomb threats, Guess who helped stop that from happening, Yeah you wouldn't suspect me now would you.

I told the guys doing it, "Be real funny when you do it and a swat team kicks your doors and windows in and blows your god damn head off, What then" and I also told him you are doing a real good job of making us in the gamergate community look like friggin terrorists" he said "Actually, I guess you are right." I totally stopped one of the bomb threats.

That was the one where she showed up and there wasn't any bomb threats.

I said to them "Let her have her whine she's going to come undone sooner or later, lets hope it's sooner before any damage is done."

So yeah you sorry lot that hide behind that (-) button if that is the best you can do so be it. You lot are in fact doing the exact opposite of what you think you're doing you lot are actually highlighting my posts which makes others only the more eager to read them, To find out what they say.
Post edited June 25, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012
low rated
fr33kSh0w2012: Many peoples brains here are faulty and they hide behind that (-) button.

I tried to tell you all before it turned into a shitstorm that Anita was a charlatan and a fake but you lot all hit the (-) button like you did on me here I have a sneaking suspicion of whom it really is

Yes I am part of the alt right boo friggin hoo (got sick of being attacked online by annoying idiots claiming they were leftists, feminists and SJW types)

The alt right and the Libertarians aren't what you think we are, You're all concentrating on the morons that made us look bad

I tried stopping it from becoming a shitstorm

bet many of you didn't know that it could have been a lot worse people could have lost their lives over it

I told anita before she blocked comments on her video to think before she did anything that could get people killed!

remember those bomb threats, Guess who helped stop that from happening, Yeah you wouldn't suspect me now would you.

I told the guys doing it, "Be real funny when you do it and a swat team kicks your doors and windows in and blows your god damn head off, What then" and I also told him you are doing a real good job of making us in the gamergate community look like friggin terrorists" he said "Actually, I guess you are right." I totally stopped one of the bomb threats.

That was the one where she showed up and there wasn't any bomb threats.

I said to them "Let her have her whine she's going to come undone sooner or later, lets hope it's sooner before any damage is done."

So yeah you sorry lot that hide behind that (-) button if that is the best you can do so be it. You lot are in fact doing the exact opposite of what you think you're doing you lot are actually highlighting my posts which makes others only the more eager to read them, To find out what they say.
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I want a SWAT team to break down my door and blow me.
low rated
windows984ever: (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I want a SWAT team to break down my door and blow me.
XD as long as they are all hot girlies I wouldn't mind.
windows984ever: If you want to succeed as a con artist, at least have "DOCTOR" in your title.

See: Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Dr. Drew, Dr. Pepper (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
tinyE: Dr Seuss
GOT YOU, Red handed.

Caught you TinyE, soon as you and you many ALTS signed in instantly my rep went down. how many you have this time 30 50 120 alts?

Really the flip off sign as your avatar, Real classy act that, Showing our true colours E? I thought you were better then that, You know I was giving you the benefit of the doubt guess I was a fool then, Off your drugs TinyE? those drugs are for your benefit.

You're on tablets, Yet I'm the crazy one, You are a very sad and sorry excuse of a person, Hmm... What happened to you, Thought we were friends, Guess not.
Post edited June 25, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012
high rated
You've twisted what's been said, inaccurately stated that direct rebuttals of your arguments are lacking substance, and then tried to turn the conversation toward ridiculous "20 questions" in hopes of somehow pulling your argument out of a nosedive (yes, to most reading it you sound childish and bitter). If you can just keep yelling "silopsism"maybe you can create enough word salad and confusion that the odd, uninvested thread-reader might think you've won a prize? Some might say your tactics seem very much like a certain current world leader.

Usually I'd leave such a ridiculous response as yours alone, but you've made some arguments that I want to comment on...

I am Center Left. You feel the need to attack my self-identification. Is that really a winning argument for someone on the Left?

Are people who value honsety and truthfulness Alt-Right? If that's the case, all idealists are Alt-Right. Do you even realize you're arguing that very case?

You decry picking “low hanging fruit” as chum for the Alt-Right, but in doing so you make an argument for inaction when truth is inconvenient. I guess your view on crime would be only arrest people that fit a particular narrative.

You cannot constantly use "but they caused it!" as a defense. I hear many children on the playground use that “defense.” People are responsible for their actions... unless they're children. Have we been talking about children?

I hate giving in to childish demands like “Give me names if you're so smart!” You can never win those “conversations.” You'll never give enough names or the “right” names. Something will always be “wrong” with your reply... simply because these demands are meant to be a trap. Well, sobeit...

I do have feminists who I respect.

Mary Wollstonecraft, leader of the movement for Womens' suffrage.

Eleanor Roosevelt. Do I need to tell you who she was? She was probably the strongets and most honorable woman to have ever shared the White House. Heck, more than a feminist, she's the reason Tuskegee entered “the fight” in WWII!

Gloria Steinem. I don't always agree with her, but I respect that she believes in her message and isn't a charlatan.

Lastly, by the way you ended your response (reagrding authors), you obviously have no idea who Jack Thompson is and why I included him in this conversation. He's directly related to this games conversation and you really should learn something.

I have no more time for your idiocy. Feel free to keep screaming “silopsism” and trying to look inteligent. I have no more time to spend on your childishness.
Post edited June 25, 2019 by kai2
low rated
Remove the ness
images.jpg (10 Kb)
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Don't make that mistake... Don't rush to rest or be reassured... Those people are like zombies... They always come back to backstab you when you least expect it (or threaten you, or blackmail you, or leech resources from you) and finish the job, even years later! When you least expect them.

Also, don't "bash" them, because they are masters in turning around everything to their advantage, frame and implicate you, twist your very words, etc.

No time for celebration and most importantly; don't be fooled! The *threat* is NEVER going to be out of the way! Best way to deal with it, is to ignore that mutant and its performance completely. Take away noise and publicity from them and it's like taking away their life-force, reason of existence and oxygen itself.
Are you trying to tell us something? Maybe it's time to start a new thread and give us your life story. If you had already please point me to it.
low rated
kai2: You've twisted what's been said, inaccurately stated that direct rebuttals of your arguments are lacking substance, and then tried to turn the conversation toward ridiculous "20 questions" in hopes of somehow pulling your argument out of a nosedive (yes, to most reading it you sound childish and bitter). If you can just keep yelling "silopsism"maybe you can create enough word salad and confusion that the odd, uninvested thread-reader might think you've won a prize? Some might say your tactics seem very much like a certain current world leader.

Usually I'd leave such a ridiculous response as yours alone, but you've made some arguments that I want to comment on...

I am Center Left. You feel the need to attack my self-identification. Is that really a winning argument for someone on the Left?

Are people who value honsety and truthfulness Alt-Right? If that's the case, all idealists are Alt-Right.

You decry picking “low hanging fruit” as chum for the Alt-Right, but in doing so you make an argument for inaction when truth is inconvenient.

You cannot constantly use "but they caused it!" as a defense. I hear many children on the playground use that “defense.” People are responsible for their actions... unless they're children. Have we been talking about children?

I hate giving in to childish demands like “Give me names if you're so smart!” You can never win those “conversations.” You'll never give enough names or the “right” names. Something will always be “wrong” with your reply... simply because these demands are meant to be a trap. Well, sobeit...

I do have feminists who I respect.

Mary Wollstonecraft, leader of the movement for Womens' suffrage.

Eleanor Roosevelt. Do I need to tell you who she was? She was probably the strongets and most honorable woman to have ever shared the White House. Heck, more than a feminist, she's the reason Tuskegee entered “the fight” in WWII!

Gloria Steinem. I don't always agree with her, but I respect that she believes in her message and isn't a charlatan.

Lastly, by the way you ended your response (reagrding authors), you obviously have no idea who Jack Thompson is and why I included him in this conversation. He's directly related to this games conversation and you really should learn something.

I have no more time for your idiocy. Feel free to keep screaming “silopsism” and trying to look inteligent. I have no more time to spend on your childishness.
He actually might have schizophrenia, You can't really run around blaming mentally ill people.
kai2: If Anita had been pushing her toxic brand of feminism out of a genuine want of making the world a more equal place for people of all genders, I might have some sympathy, but...

... from her days of shilling online for pyramid schemes, it was clear her interest in feminism was as an opportunist.

Her money-making engine -- much like shady-late night tv ministries -- was lubricated by her self-defined "propagandist" (his words, not mine) boyfriend and sweetened with her audiences' favorite word -- victimization. Folks, don't forget to donate to Anita's world tour of globe-spanning vacations... er... fact-finding trips.

The fact that she squandered 1.6 million dollars (and I could write for pages on how ridiculous almost every one of her points in her poorly argued videos were. no serious academic could take her work seriously ) was always her plan (breakdowns of her spending are available online)... although she certainly had expected to ride her "victim" train back for more donations.

I understand there are women looking for leadership and wanting to assert themselves. I understand they want an equal society. I understand there are real victims out there. But it was painfully clear to anyone watching the Anita circus that she was a charlatan pretending to be a real agent of social change.

I've said it before, but MLK Jr. would be turning over in his grave if he could see how these current "champions" of social change (in this case against video games) are actually thieves. It's beyond sad.
In the modern civil societies that these vocal feminists spring forth from; there seems no situation a woman cannot simply walk away from towards a better life of opportunity; making the entire movement unlike up to the 1960's a moot point.

I love how they are taking median wage accross all industries and crying poor when women are DECIDING not to step up into high stress leadership rolls on average.
Yes you can blame culture (the same culture these women themselves have adopted) for them not having an 'equalised wage profile'; but here's a bigger thing in my country at least as soon as that housing market bubble pops and the dollar tanks the value of us men earning 10% more will still be didly and squat.
The real elephant in the room is that money in itself doesn't matter as much as opportunity and at worst a woman will be treated like a man in that respect.
What's that not being employed because of the risk of maternity leave; you know the answer feminists? It's not pushing for 'fem' rights it's pushing for 'equal' rights (men also having available leave during a woman maternity period).
Women want some of that fine 0.01% runaway economic growth the top end loves so much? So does everyone else in the system and no-ones getting it without a civil revolt & that dirty word 'national socialism'.
Don't like it? Cry me a river one of the first things people learn about life is you can start your journey as a hobo while others start it with a million dollar trust fund; life aint fair baby.
low rated
Feminists should not exist
toupz111: Feminists should not exist
Depends. If they are going for equal treatment or not. The current 'feminists' aren't. It's... The current 3rd wave is quite toxic.

When it was for proper equal treatment it was a good thing. But they've been infiltrated by SJW's.

So... what can you do?