Fenixp: True. I still do think, however, that proper gun control leads to less guns in circulation.
It may. Ultimately you'd have to destroy guns and cease making new guns though in order to keep the guns out of the hands of criminals. Otherwise all you do by removing guns from circulation and displacing them elsewhere is remove them from citizens. Criminals will still find a way to have access to guns unless none exist. Mexico I suppose is a good example of that. The criminals (cartels) have all of the weapons in that country.
Fenixp: You say you're a realist. I happen to think that of myself as well, and 'pussy' and 'man' don't come into play when you're trying to think that way. You've got military training, I can understand your point of view slightly, altho I don't necessarily agree with it. For one, I'm a programmer. I don't have your reflexes and even if I had a gun (and I actually do know how to use one,) there's a fair probability that I just wouldn't be fast enough in a situation where someone tries to rob me at gunpoint.
But there's another side to this issue entirely: Let me start off by the fact that I have never been held at a gunpoint, so take what I'm going to say with a grain of salt. I am a stoic, mostly I don't react to situations by fear or panic, I usually stay calm and try to work my way towards a solution. And in a situation where someone would aim a gun at me, I would not really thing about 'ohgoshI'mgoingtodie' all that much, I'd just think 'Ok, I'll give this guy my money and he'll go away.'
There's nothing wrong with that. In some situations, giving up your wallet may be safer than fighting back. But there are many criminals out there who would kill you regardless in that situation. Either because they don't at all value life, or because they don't want to leave a witness. It happens often sadly. So with that in mind, I'd at least rather go down fighting. That's just the way I am, though.
Fenixp: Why would I give him money as opposed to fight back you ask? Well, I never carry too much cash or valuables on me at any given time for one. Another thing is: Having 'balls' just seems incredibly selfish to me. If I were to defend myself, chances are I'll get hurt or killed. If I got hurt, I couldn't work for several days, a week or more, getting me and my wife into a fairly bad financial situation, not to mention all the stress involved from her side. If I were to get killed, I'll leave a fairly unhappy widow around. I don't think she'd give a shit about me being manly and having balls in either of those situations.
I can appreciate that. In my case, it's an issue of principles I guess. When you have a family, there are other things you have to consider. Or rather, you have to consider the same things from different angles. But ultimately, regardless of the outcome, I feel that fighting crime benefits everyone else in the long run. Perhaps you'd get hurt and it would financially stress out your family. Perhaps you'd even get killed. But in my opinion, those are the costs of doing what you can to protect others, including your family. Maybe it's from being in the military, but I've always felt like sometimes a person has to make sacrifices for what I perceive to be the greater good, which in this case would be taking a stand against criminals.
Fenixp: So basically, you said you've got a family. If you got shot because you want to prove how much of a man you are, well I'd think that you're quite a jerk. Then again, me-programmer, you-exmilitary. But that's just how I see it, and it seems to be quite a practical point of view as far as I'm concerned (I mean obviously, it's my point of view.)
I actually don't have a wife and kids, I meant for that to mean the people that I care about in my life, some of whom are family or are practically family. Some of my friends have been so for a number of decades, so they're family to me. Same for the people I served with, they're also my family. And I would be just as willing to protect your family from harm as I would my own, even though you'd be strangers to me on the street. That's just how I feel about this issue, again perhaps something that was instilled in me from the military. And I don't see it as proving my manhood. To me, that's just how I view being a man. That is, doing what you can to protect your family or those who may be weaker than you, such as women and children. It isn't about proving anything to anyone.
Maybe one day we'll live in a world where violence is completely a thing of the past. But unfortunately we just don't live in that world yet. May not happen for another 1000 years, if ever, who knows. I guess it doesn't really matter though since we've only got about two more days to live anyways!
Fenixp: To be fair, I don't really blame you there all that much. It doesn't hurt to be safe. But it doesn't change the fact that chances of the gun actually helping anything are incredibly slim - that's not really 'view of a pussy,' that's another practical view.
We'll just have to agree to disagree on that. I do think that there are situations where a gun could be the difference between you living or dying, or being able to save someone else's life. I'm sure part of that has to do with where you live or where you grew up (as well as your line of work, such as being in the military or being a police officer). Some people may grow up in nice areas and go their whole lives without ever witnessing more than a fist fight, so they may not feel the need for protection as much. If you grow up in East St. Louis, or Flint, MI, or East LA, etc., then the world is suddenly a whole lot different. That's a world where half of your friends are murdered by the time you finish high school, if you ever finish high school at all.
It's a shame that it is that way. Where I live near ESTL, they actually had to bring in a team of federal agents because the crime had gotten so bad and all of their cops were quitting or getting laid off. They are underpaid since the city is in poverty, and the criminals there aren't even remotely bothered by shooting at cops. Some criminals at least have the better judgement to not shoot at a cop, but the worst ones don't even care about that. My brother actually told a crazy story (it was also in the news) where they were standing outside of work one day, and two cars full of guys were shooting back and forth at each other while driving down the road, WHILE they were getting chased by a group of cops! They didn't even care that they were in a car chase with cops, they just kept shooting at each other. And this was right outside of a Wal-Mart and a car dealership, so it's an incredible coincidence that no innocent bystanders were hurt. Unfortunately though, people are killed by stray bullets all of the time in East. St. Louis, so it does happen.
Fenixp: A) Well as far as I know, at least on farms in Czech Republic, animals aren't really shot anymore, they're rendered unconscious and then they get their arteries cut. It's not as costy as bullets. What happens when I can no longer buy meat from a butcher? I don't know, what happens when there's no more breathable oxygen in the atmosphere? People were able to buy meat from a butcher for quite some time now, and I sort of don't really see this trend dying off in the near future. Yeah, situations may arise where this option will no longer be availible. Oh well, I suppose I'll have to live off whatever I can get my hands on then. I'm 23 by the way, so yeah, I've got quite a bit of growing up to do still.
B) Well then we agree on the point I deem the most important.
All I was trying to say with point A is that it doesn't hurt to be prepared if you ever have to start taking care of yourself. I don't enjoy killing animals at all. I think it sucks, actually. I am not a 'trophy hunter'. But I do appreciate that if shit ever hit the fan, I'd be better prepared to feed myself and my family (those I care about, or the wife and kids I may have one day). A bullet could be considered a more humane way to kill an animal than some other methods, I believe.