trentonlf: Once GOG opens the door to a wide open multiplayer experience, if it's successful I should say, then this site will be over run by assholes playing online and flooding the forums with negativity. If you know of a way to prevent that then I would be a supporter. Granted not everyone will be jerks, but there will be enough that all I would do is buy games from this site and avoid the forums if it came to be as I fear. This is just my opinion it.
I do! :) The ability for GOG users to create their own Forums/Groups/whatever and own moderation rights to it, decide if they are wide open to the public with or without subscription, and what the various security/privacy settings, rules etc. are, with the ability to ban/block people who do not abide by the rules. More or less like any modern communication software has (mailing list management, IRC even and it's decades old, Facebook groups, Steam groups, etc.) Software definitely can solve the problem. The existing software here just does not do that.