IAmSinistar: Speaking from within the belly of the whale, we do not have a two-party system in America. Due to too many factors (campaign finance, unregulated capitalistism, egregious lawmaking, toothless tort reform, partisan media), all the highest offices are occupied by people beholden to corporations above and beyond any other concern. There is no representation of the common people, and no possibility of reform under the current system. All the two parties represent are different flavours of social issues and a sliding factor of the propensity to go to war.
The same people (Alan Greenspan, Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner) have been making economic policy regardless of who is in office for ages. The banks get whatever laws they want passed, and bailouts whenever their own mistakes come back to bite them. Environmental policies are eviscerated, prison workforces are made available at slave wages, medical costs are allowed to remain arbitrary, and copyrights are extended in perpetuity, all at the behest of those who are truly represented by the American government.
So no one should be surprised that when a powerful business lobby shows its ass, Washington's first instinct is to pucker their lips.
The only hope I have is once everyone dies, the new generation of people will rectify these peoples errors.