Elmofongo: You may also add, "Almost the whole human race will be arrested if this bill passes."
Starmaker: Dude.
How old are you?
No, seriously, you keep posting interesting / observant / thought-provojking things and at the same time keep making absurd conclusions that are characteristic of children.
Not "
everyone will be arrested". "
Anyone could be arrested". Yes, that's exactly the goal.
Time and again, when people post zomgohsoalarming news about breaches of privacy, Big Brother, and Anonymous, I keep saying, no, Big Brother has ADD, the chance to get busted by people who seriously use the morpheme cyber- is negligible. But the chance that someone will target you for parking your car at his fave spot, or glancing at his wife, or downvoting him on a forum is real. (But I'm in Russia, where people can lob a grenade into the elevator instead, so I don't feel personally threatened by all those fancy-shmancy civil rights infringements.)
Elmofongo: Are these people so ignorant, narrow-minded, short-term thinking, less than human creatures not see how illogical this bill is?!
Starmaker: Ask Suzanne Mettler. Elmofongo: The only hope I have is once everyone dies, the new generation of people will rectify these peoples errors.
Starmaker: It's happening.
Best post yet.
The gov't likes to make people vulnerable. That way, they don't have to get you for what they want to get you for. They get you for something else.
It sounds like fairy-tale land, but it happens in real life. Even in America today.
We used to have a saying when we drove by a car that is stopped by a cop in the South. "Oh man. They were caught with a DWB." DWB = Driving While Black. And it's a crime in some communities. Not officially. But give the cop a few minutes and he'll find something wrong with your car, your attitude or your speed. And if he can't, he can still hold you for a day with no questions asked.
It happens. For real.
Stopping legislation like this of utmost importance. Anything that makes the masses fear their government is bad. Vote yes for the things that make the government fear the people. (but not things like forced plastic surgery to get stainless steel horns implanted)