Darvond: This is where I mumble buzzwords like, 'Division of regency', 'Federal Council', 'death to Congress', and 'Why can't the United Kingdom just take us back?'
Elmofongo: You may also add, "Almost the whole human race will be arrested if this bill passes."
How old are you?
No, seriously, you keep posting interesting / observant / thought-provojking things and at the same time keep making absurd conclusions that are characteristic of children.
Not "
everyone will be arrested". "
Anyone could be arrested". Yes, that's exactly the goal.
Time and again, when people post zomgohsoalarming news about breaches of privacy, Big Brother, and Anonymous, I keep saying, no, Big Brother has ADD, the chance to get busted by people who seriously use the morpheme cyber- is negligible. But the chance that someone will target you for parking your car at his fave spot, or glancing at his wife, or downvoting him on a forum is real. (But I'm in Russia, where people can lob a grenade into the elevator instead, so I don't feel personally threatened by all those fancy-shmancy civil rights infringements.)
Elmofongo: Are these people so ignorant, narrow-minded, short-term thinking, less than human creatures not see how illogical this bill is?!
Ask Suzanne Mettler. Elmofongo: The only hope I have is once everyone dies, the new generation of people will rectify these peoples errors.
It's happening.