monkeydelarge: So people shouldn't have to put up with Crosmando's behavior but why should Crosmando put up with the behavior of others?
You've missed the point wholly. I am not censoring him here. I'm telling him that when he's uncivil, the community reacts. And the fact that he doesn't like how the community reacts to him is 1) silly, given that he's losing imaginary points that aren't worth any real-world value and 2) something that should cause cognitive dissonance because he's railing against them for doing exactly what he insists he should be free to do. But a downvote is substantially more polite than calling people names.
monkeydelarge: He is simply letting others know they are being unpleasant to him, his own way. What is going on here is two cultures clashing against each other in a battle. His culture VS the culture of " insane politeness". It is clear now, what side you are on.
You're correct it is clear on whose side I'm on, if you mean I'm on the side of free speech, spoken civilly. If you can't make your point without being unpleasant, you aren't welcome here. 99% of the people in this forum manage to labor under such a cruel yoke; Crossmando (and, for that matter anyone else) is not an exception.
monkeydelarge: And even though, I am an intolerant person, it disappoints me that GOG is intolerant of those who are different from them because I saw, this forum as a very free place that can be home for all kinds of people. I see now, that it is not. But being civilized, I believe, is being a good guest.
A "good guest" is one who does not make his mission "ruining other guests' experience." This forum is fundamentally a place for people to hang out which is affiliated with an arena where business is conducted. You know what stores do when someone shows and starts to call the other customers pricks? They ask the offender to leave. I'm not mandating that--yet.
monkeydelarge: And now that I know GOG will only accept one type of behavior and considering this is GOG's home, in the future, I will refrain from saying something that is not civil in the eyes of GOG here. You will get no more trouble from me. Outside of this forum though, I will continue being true to myself.
I believe you'll discover that there is behavior that is appropriate in some locations that is not appropriate in others. If I like to wander around my house without pants on, that's my own problem. If I do it in public, it's everyone else's. Likewise, there are places where you can rant at people and call them names. Here is not one of them.