It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Grargar: I'm not sure if it has been reported, but a storepage option has now been added for unbundled games in our accounts.
Well then, sounds like it's working as expected :D
Thank you all for reporting this bug. Tags indeed stopped working in products' options lists. Problem is reported, we will get to it asap. For now I recommend assigning tags through options in game details section.
Hi, all,

the bug with initially unresponsive filters has been identified. The fix is on the go.

We will investigate further your issue with random results of orders filtering.
@Petrell Could you please specify games that are filtered in bad way? Also -- do you get the same wrong results in catalog?
And - the orders filters are fixed.
We're on it. It's game specific rather than problem with whole system. For example Planescape Torment can be found with every genre it is assigned to.
VanishedOne: ... 'next' from the first image points to the last, so the first and last image toggle to each other when you click 'next', and you have to scroll through the screenshots in reverse.
Known problem, fix will be introduced soon. For now I recommend to use right arrow key :).
Thanks for reporting that. I easily reproduced the bug. New ticket has been created.
toxicTom: Hope you still have a nice Sunday, despite (seemingly) working. :-)
Yes, seemingly, this is my favourite topic ;).
toxicTom: You're from the "Break it!"-team then? :-)
No, I'm from the team: "Did I break it?" ;).
Actually it (filtering pre 1995/post 2005 results contain new "coming soon" games) wasn't on our bug list - thanks, added this.

We know about a few bugs connected to filters...

Of course "Order by date added" orders by date of adding game to, so you can see what was released recently. That sorting works OK.
Post edited September 29, 2015 by Johny.
Petrell: Like using genre filter in your own library does not show all games belonging to the genre? You know the one I reported over month ago and still hasn't been fixed and haven't heard about since? Yeah, that one. ;-p
Yes, exactly. ;)

Some of these games that you reported in your ticket can be fixed now, but most of them aren't yet.

P.S. Chat messages that you send will not appear twice again.
HypersomniacLive: There's something funny going on with my Wishlist, and since I'm testing adaliabooks script, I'd like to ask if anyone else who is not using that script and has a two-page long wishlist, has noticed something like this.

The first page displays fine, but the second one is a series of blank entries with a "TBA" price tag. Interestingly, these entries allow me to add them to your wishlist (first screenshot: notice the little heart button instead of the X one).

And if I change the order while on the second page, it forces a page refresh that brings me back to the first one where the blank entries with the "TBA" price tag have spilled over to it (second screenshot).

Funnily enough, Technobabylon showed in my Wishlist (with a messed up "owned+price" tag) which I was able to remove clicking the X button.

Anyone else with this?
Does this occur on every browser you have? Does it also occur when you don't have the script active?
Browser or addons doesn't matter. My colleague have investigated this bug and it will be fixed very soon.

mrkgnao: it's about loading wishlisted products via AJAX and a bug. :)
Post edited October 05, 2015 by Johny.
HypersomniacLive: There's something funny going on with my Wishlist, and since I'm testing adaliabooks script, I'd like to ask if anyone else who is not using that script and has a two-page long wishlist, has noticed something like this.

The first page displays fine, but the second one is a series of blank entries with a "TBA" price tag. Interestingly, these entries allow me to add them to your wishlist (first screenshot: notice the little heart button instead of the X one).

And if I change the order while on the second page, it forces a page refresh that brings me back to the first one where the blank entries with the "TBA" price tag have spilled over to it (second screenshot).

Funnily enough, Technobabylon showed in my Wishlist (with a messed up "owned+price" tag) which I was able to remove clicking the X button.

Anyone else with this?
Hi, guys!

We managed to fix the bug (hopefully). Refresh your accounts (go to and then to your Wishlists. If you encounter any issues, drop us a line. :D
