It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

catpower1980: Since the "missing account login button" started to kick in a few days ago, I noticed that notifications for forum replies don't work anymore, I tought it was going to be resolved wit the return of the login button but no....

Completely off-topic but congratz for your 4000+ rep, I was curious who would get there first ;)
JudasIscariot: On what browser do they not work anymore?
+1 the question. (for science and testing purposes :D)
Good morning guys - I just want to say that we're a step closer to resolving "missing account" bug, and partially thanks to you - so there's no need to describe what's happening in details.

Of course as Lemon_Curry said - workaround is: go to or/and (should be same protocol as forum) and refresh/go back to the forum - login/account and notifications are refreshed.
Post edited December 03, 2015 by Johny.
skeletonbow: On the navbar I see "ACCOUNT [42]",
Reloading the page still claims I have two unread forum replies.
The question is - do you look at the notifications being on forum? See workaround in this post:
Unfortunately there's a bug with refreshing notifications on forum (or "missing account" one). Which we will fix for sure.
high rated
Hi all,

I have a small update - issues (it was all related but I'm listing symptoms) fixed on forums by our top men:
- Account button visibility (shown when logged in)
- You can log in on forum
- Notifications are updating on forum pages
- You can't open tooltip of yourself

Sorry you had to live with them so long, I hope you didn't get used to them.

DyNaer: i'm baffle , this bug was fixed quite sometimes ago , and they managed to reintroduce it , congratulations .....>.>
If opening tooltip of yourself was an issue in the past - it was probably because of disabled personalization during promos. We had to do it sometimes.

P.S. Ninja Squirrel mask is finally moving with the wind on the frontpage. Oh, what a bug this was. :P
Post edited December 09, 2015 by Johny.
high rated
mrkgnao: There might still be some issue with it. I am sitting in a room with no wind whatsoever, yet the mask's straps are still moving.
Cheers for all the fixes.
It is reading the wind outside of GOG building though, so you missed there. If you need, you can adjust it by performing this in console:
Or if you feel windy: gogSquirrelNinja._maskTl.timeScale(20);

And bonus - for bullet time of gift stealing:
var z=gogSquirrelNinja;var x=z._generateStealTl.bind(z);function y(){return x().timeScale(0.2);}z._generateStealTl=y;
MarkoH01: Chat is completely broken for me (which is annoying since I have received a message and cannot read it). The page does not display correctly and I tried to reload the page several times. Using Firefoy and Win7/64.

Edit: Avatars are also broken now.
Could you describe what was going on? What did you see exactly? I'm asking about chat and avatars. Please check you browsers console for errors. Did you have network problems that day?
MarkoH01: It works fine again since about a few hours after I posted the error here. I did not have network problems of any kind and every other page was working fine. The error is hard to describe: some avatars only showed in grey wuth the names on it (like a placeholder) and the chat did not build up correctly - I could not even see all my contacts or the messages area - I just saw some links and titles. Now everything is working fine again so no worries here.
It looks like some of style files didn't download (timeouted or some error). For avatars it's weird because they're stored somewhere else.

So it was either server problem or on your end. Please write reply here if you or anyone else see it again (or saw it yesterday).
HypersomniacLive: Can someone check if that's how it works for them too?
It seems it's shared setting in browser's local storage (not cookies). I'll check why is that and probably they will be separated to not overwerite one another.
Post edited December 13, 2015 by Johny.
skeletonbow: The "ACCOUNT" button in the top navbar keeps disappearing randomly again, sometimes on the homepage, sometimes in the forums or other parts of the site, completely at random.
I wonder if by "disappearing" you mean there's nothing - not account nor sign up / log in buttons?
They don't appear when javascript crashes on initialization in your browser, so It would be really helpful if you would post (or chat to me) what is appearing in javascript console.

Btw. it's the Galaxy client design that have root in GOG I would say. ;)
skeletonbow: The ACCOUNT button in the navbar just vanishes and is blank. I am logged in, but it does not show that in the bar. The way I know I'm logged in is that it tells me what games I own, and clicking to another page may cause the ACCOUNT button to show up randomly. In order to provide additional details however I'd have to wait until the problem happens again and I have time to gather the information. It's the same issue that has happened on and off for 2+ years though. May be caused by different things over time but visually the result is the same.
Yup. The reasons could be different each time, but as I remember it was a wide-audience bug inside forum - so if it happens for you for 2+ years we might get a cure for you (or all users who get it like you globally) if you provide those logs. :) Thanks.
Post edited December 28, 2015 by Johny.
mrkgnao: Chaos Reborn already has 7 reviews, which means at least 7 people have rated it, yet it still shows no star ratings and reads "Be first to rate".
Related bug was fixed, so this one is OK now.
tamablenebula: If, when searching for a game, you click on the "COMPANY" tab, and select "][ GAMES" (the top of page 20), no results are returned. If you go to the page for Dyad, though, ][ Games is listed as the developer and publisher.

Edit: The same is true for Francisco Téllez de Meneses (dev/pub of Unepic - bottom of page 22). Also, if you click on the developer/publisher links on the game card, you get the same "No results found" screen.
Thanks, I can confirm this is happening, we'll look into it.
Thank you, I've updated the bug with all information you provided. It's not crucial, but still it shouldn't look like that.
HypersomniacLive: We're not getting any game updates notifications for a while now. Judas in the "What did just update" thread that he's flagging game updates, but [url=]nobody to be getting [url=]any of them, myself included.

Are they gone for good, or are they just broken?

And while we're on the subject, could a blue-text answer this question? It's been three months since I asked.
We found the culprit and are working on a fix.
Post edited January 20, 2016 by Rimmu
te_lanus: Not sure why but trying to download LSL Magna Cum Lauda I get an error, that say it can't read the Source File, Same happens With Simcity 4 Deluxe edition. I've tried both Firefox and Chrome on Linux both fail.

Even tried Downloading the Wallpaper for SC4DE it also fails :(
I just checked LSL Magna Cum Laude on my home connection via Chromium and everything was working for me. May I ask how you are downloading the game? Are you using some sort of download manager or lgogdownloader? How's your connection?

I also checked SimCity 4 Deluxe and everything is working as expected.
Post edited January 23, 2016 by JudasIscariot