Posted July 05, 2021
WinterSnowfall: *Sigh* If that is how it came across, I apologize, but I was only trying to argumentatively present my opinion on the future state of things. I usually have an aloof laissez-faire attitude, yet I was trying to make some fair points not mock anyone or anything. It is fine to have a different opinion and disagree with me, however, as I said before I have no particular hate nor love of Zoom. I also regard having more players in the DRM-free space as a good thing.
WinterSnowfall: ... and I have admitted as much. GOG however is already "corporately acquired" by CDPR, so the risk of it or CDPR changing hands in the future is rather low IMHO. Essentially, yes, this is a common problem, but on different scales - that was really my point.
I will refrain from expressing any thoughts about these topics in the future, since obviously this has irked people beyond measure for some reason.
Posting this as a user, not anyone connected to Zoom etc WinterSnowfall: ... and I have admitted as much. GOG however is already "corporately acquired" by CDPR, so the risk of it or CDPR changing hands in the future is rather low IMHO. Essentially, yes, this is a common problem, but on different scales - that was really my point.
GamezRanker: Question: let's say the head of the company posted here.....would you doubt their words as well or no?
WinterSnowfall: If he came out and said he does not intend to sell Zoom or the JFG? No, I would not doubt them. But that does not mean it can not happen, since this is how the industry operates. There have been stores out there that have managed to remain independent, such as, but I do not get that niche intention from Zoom to be honest. Again, only time will tell, and I have absolutely no problem if my speculations are proven wrong. As others have pointed out, this is hardly a concern for most people anyway. I will refrain from expressing any thoughts about these topics in the future, since obviously this has irked people beyond measure for some reason.
Posting a view that makes people reply in such way is not a problem. You've got a reason for feeling in such a way, there's no reason not to express that.
As someone connected to Zoom (no, not that one) it's our job to switch the gut feeling. Though, i would say Itch is not the best example to compare as we fix up older titles rather than simply just host games. But like i said, hopefully one day the gut will turn to a positve feeling!