lugum: Like wanting to quit/exit a game and it keeps bugging you if you are sure? like you are out of your mind.
Yes it's handy if you accidently clicked quit, but that happens alot less then you actually wanting to quit the game
and you just can restart the game then.
I notice it more and more that you can't even close a game sometime by just pressing the X but you really have to select yes.
Anyone else with quirks like that?
Agreed completely, some games require several clicks going all the way back to the main menu before you can click "exit to desktop".
Nirth: I don't mind if they ask once but it takes 7 clicks to exit to desktop in Assassin's Creed 1 and that was 6 too many.
Regarding menu and options I prefer if they are quick and not in-between-cutscenes like Splinter Cell Conviction or Metro 2033.
I also don't like it if a game forces me to jump into the game right after starting the game, I want a damn main menu so I can fiddle with options first because that's what I always do so I don't have to do it in-game and focus on playing afterwards. Also, I want mouse support.
Unskippable cutscenes/intros/tutorial should be against international
and national laws.
Definitely, it's bad design more than anything. As if someone during production didn't say "Hey, we need to change this..."
monkeydelarge: I hate it when you are playing a game and you want to change some settings or quit so you press escape, expecting the escape menu to appear.. But nothing happens because in that game, in order to get to the escape menu, you have to find the small escape menu button in the game and then click on it.
The King of Dragon Pass comes to mind.
OlivawR: Not really. I usually use alt+f4 to exit a game. If they do the sure thing that's alt+f4 -> enter.
Yep, I was going to suggest this! :)
Johnmourby: I have no patience for the way Quake insults you when you quit the game.
Quake: "You're a pussy for leaving this game!"
Me: "No, I've just remembered that I could be playing a better game".
The new Wolfenstein is the same way.