Tomkel: I get called away from my computer a lot because I have a new born and a wife. I don't have the luxury of 'reaching a check point' in order to save.
Been there, done that, too! While I think checkpoint can have their merit in creating greater suspense (think horror games or jump'n'runs), at least a game should be pauseable at all times - also in prolonged cutscenes or dialogs! - very few games actually support this. When my wife needs me, or the doorbell rings I can't just let them wait to either play to the next checkpoint or wait another 5 minutes for the cutscene to finish - but I also don't want to end the scene altogether.
As for checkpoints and saving: Operation Flashpoint would always autosave the game when you quit - that was a nice idea.
TwisterBE mentioned escort quests and want to chime in: Escort quests were the escorted person will mindlessly attack every monster in sight with their lowly knife but will die after 1-3 hits.
Another few complaints:
- NPCs blocking doorways
- Games that have a day cycle (NPCs/events available at certains hours only) and no wait/pass-time option
- Broken quest markers lying to you. I don't necessarily need quest marks. But if I have them, they should point at the location where I have to do something or can actually meet the NPC required.
- "Surprise" events taking you out of the current area where you probably weren't finished.
- Jumping puzzles in FPS.
- No subtitles in story based games. This and bad sound design. Some NPC is telling you important information but can't understand a damned thing because of that waterfall in the background.