Draak exits the back room and without missing a beat tells you "That roof you ruined is gonna cost you"
"And so is all this extra work you put me through trying to determine the polarity of this dagger."
You glance at Gandalf nervously, Draak is an imposing figure, and a weapons expert, AND insane. Gandalf is conspicuoisly looking away, obviously distancing himself from the hobbit punctured roof and the price of the divination.
You turn back to Draak, "How much?"
"250 for the roof and another grand for the polarity reading, firm."
You check your recently found coin and sinkingly realize after your binge at the tavern you only have 86 coin.
"Umm I don't have enough, bro" you stammer.
"I thought not" Draak says, "Well, this leaves you in a predicament... The way I see it is, you can either get me my coin, or die screaming" "This dagger is worth a decent price, more than what you owe, and without my information is as useful as a rusty dagger. I could buy it from you, I'll give you what you owe, plus this Scimitar that burns reptiles and a decent set of enchanted +2 Intellect leather and 100 coin for it...."
"Or, I suppose you can sell yourself in the flesh district, A young lad/lass like you should be able to earn 40-50 coin a day there, if you bust your ass" Draak smirks. "I'll keep the shmoo as collateral AND the dagger if you wanna go that route"
At this Gandalf raises an eyebrow. Draak shoots him a glare and says "Before you get any ideas, know that you won't get out half a spell before I drop you dead" A look of revelation falls across Gandalf's face, and he quickly settles back into his chair. You are sure he just realized Draak isn't bluffing.
You have the choices to sell the dagger to Draak, or Sell your rear end in the flesh district for about a month.
Which do you Choose?