RadonGOG: Finally a gamecard!
http://www.gog.com/game/divinity_original_sin But where is the release?! Never seen such a late release on GOG---8 o´clock in germany was the nightyest time I´ve ever seen!
OdanUrr: As I've explained before, the game has been made available for download (with varying degrees of success) to Kickstarter backers only. Non-backers will be able to play the game around August 31st when Galaxy launches. There is no word as to whether or not we'll be able to pre-order.
I missed the Kickstarter so I was looking forward to buying Divinity: Original Sin when I got home from work today. The arrival of the game being delayed by a day or two is acceptable.
However, if GOG was planning to hold off on the release until August 31st they should have communicated this long ago. I would rather have access to the game now not have it delayed by the development of GOG Galaxy.
I sincerely hope G-Doc was given incorrect information and that the game will be available to the general public tomorrow. If that doesn't happen, I'm certain some people will bite the bullet and buy the Steam version over the GOG version.
This whole incident does not reflect kindly on GOG and their ability to effectively communicate with their customers.
EDIT: i having a feeling that within a few days GOG will be back peddling and groveling at the feet of gamers to forgive their poor judgement