Posted December 18, 2020

Registered: Oct 2014
From Canada

I am your father.
Registered: Jun 2020
From India

Registered: Oct 2011
From Russian Federation
Posted December 18, 2020
okay, it's 18th here (where I live) already. the day that sent Kyon into depths of the Abyss called "Despair". isn't it a reason to [re]watch "The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya"?

the collector
Registered: Feb 2013
From United States
Posted December 18, 2020
with all the Christmas/holiday talks, it's also my birthday today !! :D

Registered: Oct 2011
From Other

Registered: Oct 2011
From Russian Federation

you are required to own on gog
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted December 18, 2020
We have not been watching too many Christmas movies yet this year. Today is the last day of work for both me and my wife before a 2-week vacation for us and the kids! No travel this year but plenty of family time. We have 5 kids and my parents live with us, so 9 people in the house makes for a homey bustling holiday time! And I'm sure we will watch plenty of movies over the next two weeks.
We have watched so far:
Jingle Jangle - (already mentioned) - new this year, mostly Black cast and production - John Legend et al. Wonderful film, magical. I'm sure it is destined to become a classic. We will be watching at least one more time this year.
Klaus - (already mentioned) - Thanks to branjohello for putting it on my radar! This is a great film from last year. An animated new take on a Santa Claus "origin story reboot." Lots of heart-warming fun and cheer.
The Nativity Story (2006) - A movie version of the gospel story of Mary and Joseph and Gabriel's announcement and the Virgin Birth and the flight to Egypt and the birth in a stable. The strengths of this story are its intimate and realistic portrayals of a young Joseph and Mary who were not perfect or magical, who were poor, who were trying to love one another and be faithful to their God in difficult circumstances.
A Christmas Carol (1985) - George C. Scott is my favorite Scrooge! And this movie is my all-around favorite A Christmas Carol. In large part because of The Ghost of Christmas Present! So confrontational, so direct, so tall, so stern! Wonderful wonderful movie.
Planning to See:
It's a Wonderful Life - I don't think my wife could go the whole season without watching this one!
I don't know what else. I guess we'll see.
We have watched so far:
Jingle Jangle - (already mentioned) - new this year, mostly Black cast and production - John Legend et al. Wonderful film, magical. I'm sure it is destined to become a classic. We will be watching at least one more time this year.
Klaus - (already mentioned) - Thanks to branjohello for putting it on my radar! This is a great film from last year. An animated new take on a Santa Claus "origin story reboot." Lots of heart-warming fun and cheer.
The Nativity Story (2006) - A movie version of the gospel story of Mary and Joseph and Gabriel's announcement and the Virgin Birth and the flight to Egypt and the birth in a stable. The strengths of this story are its intimate and realistic portrayals of a young Joseph and Mary who were not perfect or magical, who were poor, who were trying to love one another and be faithful to their God in difficult circumstances.
A Christmas Carol (1985) - George C. Scott is my favorite Scrooge! And this movie is my all-around favorite A Christmas Carol. In large part because of The Ghost of Christmas Present! So confrontational, so direct, so tall, so stern! Wonderful wonderful movie.
Planning to See:
It's a Wonderful Life - I don't think my wife could go the whole season without watching this one!
I don't know what else. I guess we'll see.

I am your father.
Registered: Jun 2020
From India

Cookie Monster
Registered: Apr 2012
From Christmas Island

the collector
Registered: Feb 2013
From United States
Posted December 18, 2020

We have watched so far:
Jingle Jangle - (already mentioned) - new this year, mostly Black cast and production - John Legend et al. Wonderful film, magical. I'm sure it is destined to become a classic. We will be watching at least one more time this year.
Klaus - (already mentioned) - Thanks to branjohello for putting it on my radar! This is a great film from last year. An animated new take on a Santa Claus "origin story reboot." Lots of heart-warming fun and cheer.
The Nativity Story (2006) - A movie version of the gospel story of Mary and Joseph and Gabriel's announcement and the Virgin Birth and the flight to Egypt and the birth in a stable. The strengths of this story are its intimate and realistic portrayals of a young Joseph and Mary who were not perfect or magical, who were poor, who were trying to love one another and be faithful to their God in difficult circumstances.
A Christmas Carol (1985) - George C. Scott is my favorite Scrooge! And this movie is my all-around favorite A Christmas Carol. In large part because of The Ghost of Christmas Present! So confrontational, so direct, so tall, so stern! Wonderful wonderful movie.
Planning to See:
It's a Wonderful Life - I don't think my wife could go the whole season without watching this one!
I don't know what else. I guess we'll see.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes and thanks PaterAlf for Might and Magic® 6-pack Limited Edition!
Post edited December 18, 2020 by letsmaybeLP92

Fulvus Forever !
Registered: Apr 2012
From France
Posted December 19, 2020
What about Monty Python's Life of Brian ?
It's such an underrated (aka "niche") movie in general and Chritmas movie in particular.
It's such an underrated (aka "niche") movie in general and Chritmas movie in particular.

Just a madman with a box
Registered: Aug 2010
From Netherlands
Posted December 19, 2020

I'm going with Home Alone and/or Home Alone 2. Both are classics and were THE movies to see around the holidays when I was a kid, and what kid didn't fantasize about having the entire house to themselves, with no parents or annoying siblings for an entire week of partying, watching movies and eating pizza?

It's such an underrated (aka "niche") movie in general and Chritmas movie in particular.
Check your stocking.
Post edited December 19, 2020 by skimmie

New User
Registered: May 2020
From Serbia
Posted December 19, 2020

I'm going with Home Alone and/or Home Alone 2. Both are classics and were THE movies to see around the holidays when I was a kid, and what kid didn't fantasize about having the entire house to themselves, with no parents or annoying siblings for an entire week of partying, watching movies and eating pizza?

I am your father.
Registered: Jun 2020
From India
Posted December 19, 2020

It's such an underrated (aka "niche") movie in general and Chritmas movie in particular.

Mon Oncle
Registered: Dec 2013
From Nauru
Posted December 19, 2020
Even though my stockings are full, I hope I can jump in just to recommend 1988's High Spirits, it's not a Christmas-themed movie but it was on the TV often during this time of the year when I was a kid and I remember loving it to bits. The mystery, the setting, the fantasy, the architecture... Boy I'm going to sound old and/or ignorant but they don't produce movies like this anymore.
This warmed my heart :)
This warmed my heart :)