un2114: I was quite close to buying the Gothic bundle during the summer sale. But it didn't include Gothic 1 and I read that 3 was garbage.
I have never played them and am a big fan of old school rpgs. Next time I'll have to buy 1&2 without question :)
If you do, a couple of words of warning.
First of all, the controls are very clunky and different. Gothic 2 sat on my shelf for years because every time I tried playing it, I would get five minutes in and quit. Mapped things to my controller, gave it another try, and got used to the controls, and then it was fine. But it is different in that you often have to be doing two things simultaneously to do something. (Such as press UP or forward direction AND the action button while an item is highlighted to pick it up).
Also, the attribute and skill system aren't all that impressive in terms of choices, but what choices you do make have a noticeable difference. And if you're into finding lots of loot, this game probably isn't the best option. There are a few weapon choices, but armor choices are very limited. But the way they did the armor upgrades really works well if you give it a chance.
But they're great games, the graphics are still functional, and they have some humor built in too. (Just watch an NPC taking a piss in 2 and try not to laugh, I dare ya!)