nightcraw1er.488: when will the list of Exact and Specific terms, phrases, attitudes, of which we are to conform?
The guidelines are already in the Code of Conduct, which is linked in the announcement thread.
nightcraw1er.488: -Always treat others with kindness and respect, even if you don’t agree with them.
— why? Kindness has nothing whatsoever to do with a discussion. Respect for achievement or experience in a certain area sure, but just existing is not a reason for respect?
You can be civil while talking to someone with whom you disagree and it can even be done without agreeing with them. You might not like or respect a fellow user, but please be civil regardless.
Don't harass them. If they are harassing you, then let one of us know instead of getting into a flame war.
nightcraw1er.488: - Stay on topic, don’t intentionally derail threads, don’t troll, don’t spam.
— why, derailing of thought process and accepted viewpoints is key to changing opinions
Providing a differing opinion on the topic at hand is not derailing the thread. Trying to change the topic to something else entirely IS derailing the thread and is NOT going to change someone's opinion on the topic at hand.
If a thread drifts, it drifts. If a thread is discussing the nuances of drinking coffee and you try to abruptly change it to how much fun it is to climb mountains, then you're derailing. An impassioned speech about how awesome it is to climb Mount Everest isn't going to make one whit of difference to someone's opinion on how coffee tastes when taken black.
nightcraw1er.488: - Use appropriate language.
— I have no clue as to what this means, what is appropriate language? English?
This rule points you toward the idea of Being Polite because you are in a setting with other people. Excessive profanity isn't necessary. Being a jerk to another user isn't necessary.
nightcraw1er.488: - Do not intentionally insult or offend others.
— why? I happily engage in insulting and offending those around me in the real world, have you never been to a football match? 30k people insulting the referee or the player in ire at that moment for example.
If you and a buddy are harassing each other for the fun of it, that's one thing. If the other person objects, you need to stop. Also, please be aware that you are not alone when posting on the forum; please don't make this a bad place for other guests.
If you're trying to joke with another user, and they ask you to stop, then apologize and stop.
If you are trying to antagonize another user, that's unacceptable. Don't do it.
nightcraw1er.488: So from our side as users of the new regime, will you be taking advice on:
Fixing the broken rep system
Fixing the broken search box
Fixing the ability to alter thread titles
Adding the standard functionalities of forum software to follow threads, get notifications of updates to the threads, ability to remove our threads
Adding to galaxy proper direction of posts to specific game areas rather than general.
Adding core forum areas for things such as galaxy and galaxy only threads
For technical issues such as these, you'll need to talk to GOG staff. They are outside the purview of the Community Moderators.
nightcraw1er.488: I think the posts above show that there is a lot of interpretation of these rules.
If you can't tell where the line is, then maintain a larger distance away from it.