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low rated
xSinghx: Yeah Gameranger is a real victim on these forums.
Actually some gog users(like me) are to a small degree.

I can post civil nice comments like "Get well" or "Good luck" to others, or even help some with advice to fix their games/etc, and get low rated and/or insulted....and i'm not the only one this happens to.

Some here get low rated on nearly ALL posts, even ontopic/civil posts, which IS against the rules for others to do & which should some day be addressed(for all it happens to, not just me).
Post edited January 19, 2020 by GameRager
People complaining about (or trying to push the envelope on) rules stating you have to basically not be an ass make me raise my eyebrows at their intentions :D.

PS: Congrats (or condolences?) Bookwyrm627 and PainOfSalvation!
"WE DON’T TOLERATE: Abuse or encouraging abuse of the reputation system and the “report as spam” system"

It is is tolerated. In fact it is ignored by staff from what I've seen. This gives the impression that if one rule can be ignored and nothing is done to the abusers, then it is assumed other "rules" can be ignored by users as well.
low rated
ZyloxDragon: "WE DON’T TOLERATE: Abuse or encouraging abuse of the reputation system and the “report as spam” system"

It is is tolerated. In fact it is ignored by staff from what I've seen. This gives the impression that if one rule can be ignored and nothing is done to the abusers, then it is assumed other "rules" can be ignored by users as well.
Try DMing one of the users mentioned in the locked sticky thread that you suspect thet you're a victim of reputation abuse.
Or, if you're not a victim, try telling the victims of it to do so.
low rated
Condolences, Bookwyrm627 and PainOfSalvation.

Have fun, Probably not though.
low rated
Bookwyrm627: ... Use some discretion.
xSinghx: Yeah Gameranger is a real victim on these forums. His diuretic contributions are clearly underappreciated by the mods thus we continue to enjoy his ever evolving sense of persecution and virtue signaling.
Don't hold back, tell us who the victims really are! lol
richlind33: I've never been overly impressed with the English language, but it's the only one I have. ;p
Well, according to some the English language is inherently un-precise. But, if it makes you feel better; I would trade in every language (and thus culture) into one world languages, English. That would be so much simpler... and perhaps promote more understanding and less conflict. :)
richlind33: I've never been overly impressed with the English language, but it's the only one I have. ;p
sanscript: Well, according to some the English language is inherently un-precise. But, if it makes you feel better; I would trade in every language (and thus culture) into one world languages, English. That would be so much simpler... and perhaps promote more understanding and less conflict. :)
It would also mean the loss of things like jokes that don't work when translated.

It would also mean the loss of certain linguistic concepts that could be studied, like comparing how different languages handle things like gender, number, and formality..

Also, keep in mind that English has plenty of loan words; without them, certain topics could not realistically be iscussed.
> We don't tolerate...
> * Creating multiple accounts.

Since when was this a rule? is this forum specific?

MANY people here have an alt that sometimes comes out to play during a forum game, or have an alt merely because the SITE rules/TOS do not prevent multiple accounts. Please explain, clarify and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reconsider to allow one alt for very limited use.

The site even has a whole thing in the help files about "i used to have an account, and now i have a diff, or over the years i've purchased from multiple accounts, please help"

There was even a suggestion iirc by a then employee in the gog_connect thread about "create an alt for Connect" for the question "if you already owned it on GOG and connect sync it, then Steam removes it, would GOG remove what you paid for?"
Post edited January 20, 2020 by Microfish_1
Some notes on things I'm seeing in this thread:

1) I don't have an inherent problem with the grammar/language digression. That said, it is probably time to spin that topic off into a thread of its own if people wish to continue it. Feel free to drop a link here once the new thread is created so interested parties can migrate.

2) I see some users getting snippy with each other. Please refrain.

If you see a post you think is a problem, then I offer a few suggestions for possible courses of action:
A) In a polite and civil manner, you can try pointing out the issue to the user in question. I would like to emphasize "polite" and "civil" here. While one person can flame, it takes more than one to hold a flame war. Please don't get involved in a flame war. If you get nasty in response to someone else's nastiness, then I now have two people to talk to about being mean.

B) Report it to a community mod or a GOG staff member. Helping the forums become/stay a nice place is pretty much the Community Mod job description.

Please note that reporting a post does NOT mean that the post will necessarily be edited or removed. We will review it and make a decision on whether and what action to take.

ZyloxDragon: This gives the impression that if one rule can be ignored and nothing is done to the abusers, then it is assumed other "rules" can be ignored by users as well.
I ask that users refrain from ignoring the rules, if for no other reason than to make my life a little easier.

I learned a fun new word recently: Copacetic ("in excellent order)". Let's keep the forum copacetic!
low rated
richlind33: I've never been overly impressed with the English language, but it's the only one I have. ;p
sanscript: Well, according to some the English language is inherently un-precise. But, if it makes you feel better; I would trade in every language (and thus culture) into one world languages, English. That would be so much simpler... and perhaps promote more understanding and less conflict. :)
Having a lingua franca doesn't require giving up regional languages. But do we really have anything to say to each other? ;p

PainOfSalvation: - Everyone deserves respect and basic human decency.
GreasyDogMeat: No they don't. Respect is earned.
What about pity? lol
Post edited January 20, 2020 by richlind33
low rated
babark: People complaining about (or trying to push the envelope on) rules stating you have to basically not be an ass make me raise my eyebrows at their intentions :D.

PS: Congrats (or condolences?) Bookwyrm627 and PainOfSalvation!
True, but the problem with really vague rules is one will eventually run into them anyways unless they play it safe and speak/do hardly anything at all.

That is why I sometimes post as I do(civilly yet maybe close to the rules) the rules are vague in many cases and i'd rather get close to the borderline to be as free as possible and pull back if needed/told rather than not say or do anything to avoid the edges of such.

ZyloxDragon: "WE DON’T TOLERATE: Abuse or encouraging abuse of the reputation system and the “report as spam” system"

It is is tolerated. In fact it is ignored by staff from what I've seen. This gives the impression that if one rule can be ignored and nothing is done to the abusers, then it is assumed other "rules" can be ignored by users as well.
That is why I sometimes complained to the old mods via tickets/etc......they have a rule in place they cannot)at the moment anyways) enforce which people walk all over, and then everyone else is expected to follow it and the other rules as well.

I follow them as best I can(given their vagueness sometimes), but that bit bothers me and likely others as well.

(Also sad to see they low rated you.....shows how much the low raters think they own the board)


dtgreene: Try DMing one of the users mentioned in the locked sticky thread that you suspect thet you're a victim of reputation abuse.
Or, if you're not a victim, try telling the victims of it to do so.
I did.....they have told me there is no way to track ratings(that they can use out of the box/built into the current code/software, that is) and cannot do anything atm....though they say they are thinking of solutions.

Still, for now they have a rule that cannot be enforced easily(well another user suggested a way to figure out who is low rating en masse, and I sent it to GOG, but no reply as of yet on that).

dtgreene: It would also mean the loss of things like jokes that don't work when translated.

It would also mean the loss of certain linguistic concepts that could be studied, like comparing how different languages handle things like gender, number, and formality..

Also, keep in mind that English has plenty of loan words; without them, certain topics could not realistically be discussed.
I don't think he meant everyone stop using other languages, just that it'd be nice if everyone spoke/were taught one basic language alongside their native tongue....and as english is one of the most common "business" languages it'd make sense(though any language that was common enough might work).
Post edited January 20, 2020 by GameRager
low rated
Bookwyrm627: 2) I see some users getting snippy with each other. Please refrain.
Fair enough request, but if I may ask:
what snippiness in particular?

Most here seem to just be being a bit critical of each other or replying as such to's not like people are slinging F bombs at each other and setting table legs on fire.....just some having a bit of banter, is all(or so i've seen...if you've seen a post i've missed then feel free to point it out so I can correct my stance/reply :)).

(Addition: If you mean the user or two who mocked me and others, fair enough then)
Post edited January 20, 2020 by GameRager
Bookwyrm627: If you see a post you think is a problem, then I offer a few suggestions for possible courses of action:
A) In a polite and civil manner, you can try pointing out the issue to the user in question. I would like to emphasize "polite" and "civil" here. While one person can flame, it takes more than one to hold a flame war. Please don't get involved in a flame war. If you get nasty in response to someone else's nastiness, then I now have two people to talk to about being mean.

B) Report it to a community mod or a GOG staff member. Helping the forums become/stay a nice place is pretty much the Community Mod job description.

Please note that reporting a post does NOT mean that the post will necessarily be edited or removed. We will review it and make a decision on whether and what action to take.
If the post with the problem is by a community mod or a GOG staff member, who should I report it to? Also, what process is there to make sure said reports are treated fairly?

(To be clear, I haven't run into this problem yet, but would like to make sure that this case is handled sensibly just in case it does come up.)
low rated
dtgreene: If the post with the problem is by a community mod or a GOG staff member, who should I report it to? Also, what process is there to make sure said reports are treated fairly?
If a community mod, then a company mod/staffer. If a company mod/staffer....there's likely not much one can do short of complaining to the company via business email/etc as usually company mods/staffer's word is law.

(Also the ' above is used as a possessive rather than a contraction, just in case it makes you wonder. :))