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low rated
Bookwyrm627: 1) When posting on the GOG forum, please refrain from bringing in real world politics and controversial real world topics.
Can't speak for others(and wasn't planning on posting that sort of thing...the former at all, and the latter atm), but as to this bit:

The first is against the rules so ok, the second though isn't against the rules specifically(It says politics, which usually means govt politics, not social "politics") while I have no intent on posting such atm, unless GOG changes their rules to specifically say social/govt politics not allowed(and also what kinds in general, if possible, so we can avoid breaking such) i'm gonna play that rule by ear(if that runs me afoul of the poorly worded laws then so be it....I will follow rules but I like my rules to be clear).

If GOG(not you but gog the company) wants people to not even accidentally break said rules then they should make them crystal clear else they are either being lazy(when making said rules) or worse(they want to keep them vague to allow catch all rules for those they need to "calm down" and "behave").

Bookwyrm627: Topics related directly to games are generally allowed. Just remember to be civil.
Fair enough. :)

Bookwyrm627: 2) Individual moderator decisions are not up for discussion on the forums, whether it be support, neutral commentary, or disagreement. You are allowed to report that a moderation decision occurred (ex. "I had a post moderated because [reason]"), but that is the extent of it.
That one time was more me asking in the hope of getting a reply for that and any future lockings, and I am not going to do it least not here.....I will however be posting said things on my offsite blog as per usual, though.

Bookwyrm627: I've pinged GOG staff about GOG's preferences for disputing community moderator decisions; my current understanding is that you can ask in PM or a support ticket that the incident be reviewed by a GOG staffer. If I hear differently, I'll let you know.
Will do, and I will be dropping this here and now....I just find it a bit suspect when a company makes it so that a person cannot show things they dislike about a forum in public, even if civil(that isn't a dig on you btw, as I said, before.....just how I feel in general).

Bookwyrm627: 3) This thread has been left open for the time being as a place for people to ask for clarifications on the rules or moderation. While doing so, please keep in mind the above two points (especially point 2).
I will, and my intent is not to cause any trouble, at least not for the new mods/intentionally....I just like keeping sites and workers for said sites honest, albeit within the system if need be.

BTW ontopic(on modding): Do you guys have to work the whole week or take turns? I hope you guys/gals get breaks at least. If I had to work 7 day weeks i'd probably go mad. o.0
Post edited January 23, 2020 by GameRager
low rated
Linko64: Silently moderating or appearing simply to punish does nothing but leave a community feeling hollowed and ushered around.

This former community manager gets it!

That's also the reason why I kinda sorta restecpd you, as opposed to my complete lack of restecp for your predecessor Fables. There are morons on this forum who seriously argued that Fables was unpopular because of soggy knees. The real reason I disliked Fables was that she came across as a power-trippin' rando who didn't particularly care about games in the first place. She was visible on the forum, but only when it came to discussing rules, rules and more rules. You on the other hand weren't afraid to make your hands dirty by going in and having lively discussions with the rest of the rabble. I appreciated that and I think a lot of others did too.
low rated
fronzelneekburm: You on the other hand weren't afraid to make your hands dirty by going in and having lively discussions with the rest of the rabble. I appreciated that and I think a lot of others did too.
I don't think I was here when Link was a mod/staffer, but they seem like good people from what i've read.
low rated
Bookwyrm627: I'd like to take a minute to offer some reminders.

1) When posting on the GOG forum, please refrain from bringing in real world politics and controversial real world topics.
Social irresponsibility and cowardice are strong selling points. lol
low rated
Bookwyrm627: I'd like to take a minute to offer some reminders.

1) When posting on the GOG forum, please refrain from bringing in real world politics and controversial real world topics.
richlind33: Social irresponsibility and cowardice are strong selling points. lol
Dunno how they relate to what you quoted(or not in full anyways), but I more worry about the subjectivity.....i'm sure most topics could be controversial to someone(especially in the 2010s/2020s), and the way the rule(by gog, not by the mods) is worded it makes it almost a certainty that unless one talks g rated/"safe" at all times they will eventually run afoul of that rule.

Also to be clear I have no problem with the mods re: these rules.....they have to enforce them as part of the job, after all....I am more concerned with the ones who wrote the rules and refuse to clarify some of them. Of course getting them to make them more clear is easier said than done, and sending tickets/emails to them will likely just cause them to end up in the circular file or be met with a default cookie cutter response.
Post edited January 23, 2020 by GameRager
GameRager: If GOG(not you but gog the company) wants people to not even accidentally break said rules then they should make them crystal clear else they are either being lazy(when making said rules) or worse(they want to keep them vague to allow catch all rules for those they need to "calm down" and "behave").
It is up to you what you choose to post. That said, I suggest not trying to rules-lawyer the COC.
low rated
Bookwyrm627: It is up to you what you choose to post. That said, I suggest not trying to rules-lawyer the COC.
I am no lawyer(actual or armchair), I just like to be as free as possible at all times(online and offline), and the current rules make it hard to tell where the limit is on some rules so one can stay on the right side of them while being as free as one can be.

(I intend to be civil and remain within the rules as best I can & won't intentionally try to break rules, if that's any consolation)

Anyways have a good one and also if they don't give you guys snacks/etc lemme brew ya some coffee......with the hours GOG likely asks for you might need some. ;)

Addition: So do you mods still get any free time to play the games you've bought/etc? I hope so.....ya know what they say about all work and no play. o.0 :D
Post edited January 24, 2020 by GameRager
low rated
First off, sorry for the necro....this seemed the best thread to put this in & I didn't want to start another for one post....that said:

I noticed another mostly harmless thread got deleted(just Tauto acting uppity)...not gonna question it/mods...just wanted to use that as a preface to the following statement(to the CMs mainly):

You are first and foremost members of the community, not paid workers of GOG....maybe lean towards supporting the user base you're a part of a bit more than being overly loyal to the company and adherent so much to the rule set?

Also all the over enforcement of rules/over reporting(to GOG HQ) of rule breakers(and "rule breakers") is killing off actual discussion and turning the board into a virtual ghost town(with little but forum games and GOG official threads being busy in the general forums).

(Note: I won't be posting much on this after this....just wanted my peace to be heard once and that's all.)
Post edited April 23, 2020 by GameRager
low rated
A high rated post from GameRager? Dayum!

Mod comment: Lets keep this place clean.
Post edited April 24, 2020 by LexRust
low rated
fronzelneekburm: A high rated post from GameRager? Dayum!

Guess I'm not the only one *censored* of the *redacted* janitors.
*Updated your post to be more GOG compliant* ;)

As for the CMs:

It's not just them(they just really want to keep their jobs & to do that they seem to overly enforce the rules)....the WHOLE SYSTEM here needs an overhaul....but rather than GOG maybe doing reasonable things like inviting suggestions for rule changes/updates(as needed), being more lenient with those who are usually good(or keep to themselves), etc...

....well it seems they(GOG) would rather want to tell us(in not so many words) to go take a hike(with our concerns) as they toss our complaints and suggestions into the good ol' circular file. (Song starts at 3:11, substitute the words gog moderation for the word govt in the song)

(To others who read this and want to click the link: the song above has some swearing and lewd language...don't listen at work[unless you have a "cool" boss], obviously)
Post edited April 23, 2020 by GameRager
Couple of reminders.

For moderation feedback, please contact GOG Support here.
All decisions with regards to thread/post moderation are final and not up for discussion. However, constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome, provided they are directed to us via GOG.COM private messages or Support tickets and not disputed within the forum itself.

I would also kindly remind everyone to be nice to each other and avoid backhanded comments and insults, regardless if you are addressing GOG Staff, CMs, or other users.
low rated
Please note that I am discussing the forum regulations(as is the thread topic) as regards to the post below, NOT disputing mod decisions...that said:

Couple of reminders.

For moderation feedback, please contact GOG Support here.
All decisions with regards to thread/post moderation are final and not up for discussion. However, constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome, provided they are directed to us via GOG.COM private messages or Support tickets and not disputed within the forum itself.
Question: What good does it do to submit such tickets when you guys just go "there's nothing we can do/that's how it is" and/or don't reply back nearly every single time?

(Also with support times being in the neighborhood of WEEKS atm, it would likely be very inefficient to do it in the manner you suggest each and every time...I would send such to mod PMs, btw(and did so a few times), but none of you guys seem to read them.)

Also as to the "report via ticket system" and who it gets routed to: in what logical world does it make sense to "report" the "cops" to the very same "cops"?

Now if the reports got routed to the company owners/even higher ups that system might work(but i'm guessing those reports don't get routed to such people).

(Also don't worry.....I will be dropping it again after this and/or moving it offsite as before....I just wanted to reply to this post just the once[and also the post I got in reply below])

(Addition: If you want me to USE PMs, then could you maybe check your PM box more often? I sent a few to you over a week back and no replies...and that's not the first time i've PMd a paid mod staffer and gotten no reply)

(Late addition: I just noticed you removed the post someone made to egg me on...thanks for that)
Post edited April 25, 2020 by GameRager
high rated
GameRager: Please note that I am discussing the forum regulations(as is the thread topic) as regards to the post below, NOT disputing mod decisions...that said:

Couple of reminders.

For moderation feedback, please contact GOG Support here.
All decisions with regards to thread/post moderation are final and not up for discussion. However, constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome, provided they are directed to us via GOG.COM private messages or Support tickets and not disputed within the forum itself.
GameRager: Question: What good does it do to submit such tickets when you guys just go "there's nothing we can do/that's how it is" and/or don't reply back nearly every single time?

(Also with support times being in the neighborhood of WEEKS atm, it would likely be very inefficient to do it in the manner you suggest each and every time...I would send such to mod PMs, btw(and did so a few times), but none of you guys seem to read them.)

Also as to the "report via ticket system" and who it gets routed to: in what logical world does it make sense to "report" the "cops" to the very same "cops"?

Now if the reports got routed to the company owners/even higher ups that system might work(but i'm guessing those reports don't get routed to such people).

(Also don't worry.....I will be dropping it again after this and/or moving it offsite as before....I just wanted to reply to this post just the once)
low rated
Talin_Warhaft: OOF
Dunno if this is in agreement with what I said or not.....but I will say this(as per the thread topic):

GOG regulations need an overhaul(some removed or edited, or added to in some cases), and the mod staff needs to be more lenient and not so by the book with said regulations(it is actually killing discussion on the forums).

I mean take the latest staff post above, for example.....they just "slap people's hands", tell them to behave, and go if they wanted to maintain a good PR image and seem/be fair they should've said something like: "we will take what was said into consideration, but we'd appreciate official channels being used for such suggestions/complaints...good day"

Btw to all: i'd GLADLY use official channels IF they replied back more often(and with replies other than those listed above), or if I could contact those ABOVE the mod staff.

(Currently the rate of replies by paid mods[not the CMs...those guys are usually decent and reply often] to PMs I send to them is around 15% or so......and most of them are in the vein of "we cannot help you" or "our decision won't change/is final" or "do what you are told/supposed to")


*Also some pics that are just for entertainment purposes*
Post edited April 25, 2020 by GameRager
GameRager: GOG regulations need an overhaul(some removed or edited, or added to in some cases), and the mod staff needs to be more lenient and not so by the book with said regulations(it is actually killing discussion on the forums).
Tbh I don't get the problem here. There are rules we should follow them - should not be difficult to do so. If a discussion is partly against the rules maybe this discussion should be handled with different words. As responsible and decent people we all should be able to discuss things without swearing, insulting or derail things too much. It would be great if you could give some examples (simply post a link of discussions which in your opinion have been disturbed by trying to keep them by the rules) so that I would understand this problem you have a bit better.

Also, imo CMs are doing their work here because they want to help making this forum a better place by preventing extreme toxicity. They are still part of the community but since they are doing their work in the name of GOG and for GOG I would never expect them to be more lenient than the people they are doing the work for. This is not our forum, it's GOG's forum which we simply are allowed to use by playing by the rules they made.