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richlind33: So how is it that a German knows this? lol

Suppose it's just such a blatant irregularity that it sticks out that much more when you learn a language from the ground up. It's probably easier to catch with secondary languages.
dtgreene: ...why do you keep using phrases like "exhasted it is topic" and "served it is topic/purpose", which make no sense in English? (I expanded the contractions for you.)
richlind33: Rager's usage is correct, as the apostrophes denote possession, rather than contractions.
The English language gender it possession is without apostrophes so dtgreene is actually right on that one, similar to what the language Norwegian has. I failed in German so I have no idea on that one :P

It's (it is) vs its (it possession, like hers or his).

But sometimes you have noun/possession words that actually ends with the letter s and an apostrophes is used to avoid "butter on bacon" if catch my meaning.

Examples common nouns:
the class’s hours
Mr. Jones’ golf clubs
The canvas’s size
Texas’ weather

Examples plural possession:
the classes’ hours
the Joneses’ car
guys’ night out
two actresses’ roles

Guides on the net seem to disagree somewhat on the examples, but the first one still is correct.
Post edited January 18, 2020 by sanscript
Carradice: The community, a strong selling point for GOG in its first years, is not what it used to be.
So what?

I would argue that it's in the human nature to want, or at least cause change, as nothing stays the same over time, as time and chaos is a one street only. Besides, the older we get the more we changes by what we experience.

To play the devils advocate - do we need the really old timers here anyway if they don't want to roam here daily? Why not pave the road for a younger generation? There can be hundreds of reasons why people chooses to do something else, be it bigger family, hobbies, health issues, or just lack of interest(s)

I myself have been off for several months due to all of those, including work/edu. To be perfectly honest - after CyberPunk 2077 and my current heading I don't see myself being here much, but never say never...

Tl;dr - it's not exactly healthy to obsess about the past, like always moaning about "it was different/better in the old days". Perhaps all we need is to look forward and accept changes with a positive attitude.
pkk234: Lol just don't be an ass.
It's pretty obvious when a post is an actual response, or just something to fuel the fire.

That being said, threads here DO seem to go completely off topic really fast.
Man, did you get it right.

Robette: while I get that political debates are a pain to moderate in practice, prohibiting it entirely seems overly strict; especially for a stite that prides itself in taking a stand on the lasting political struggle over how we handle intellectual property...)
Indeed. So much of the things that worry us as players of computer games is political. Plus things related to everyday life. And then anyone can claim, with bad intent, that this or that discussion is "political", against bona fide forum users. Nice example of a rule backfiring. The forum is a private one: Less fake legalisms and more practical action when due would help the forum better.
Post edited January 18, 2020 by Carradice
low rated
richlind33: Rager's usage is correct, as the apostrophes denote possession, rather than contractions.
sanscript: The English language gender it possession is without apostrophes so dtgreene is actually right on that one, similar to what the language Norwegian has. I failed in German so I have no idea on that one :P

It's (it is) vs its (it possession, like hers or his).

But sometimes you have noun/possession words that actually ends with the letter s and an apostrophes is used to avoid "butter on bacon" if catch my meaning.

Examples common nouns:
the class’s hours
Mr. Jones’ golf clubs
The canvas’s size
Texas’ weather

Examples plural possession:
the classes’ hours
the Joneses’ car
guys’ night out
two actresses’ roles

Guides on the net seem to disagree somewhat on the examples, but the first one still is correct.
I've never been overly impressed with the English language, but it's the only one I have. ;p
low rated
Carradice: The problem of allowing trolling, crossing the line, letting them cross back, write a few “serious” posts here and there, then half-crossing, then going further, then back again (without excluding adulation of the moderators), the problem of this is that, a general tone of trolling sets on the forum. It is not the issue of a limited number of fully dedicated trolls now. Instead, it affects and deteriorates the general atmosphere of the forum. Casual trolling seems to be OK then and contaminates a large portion of the exchanges.

Telika was spot on about who is going to be reading the forum. Too many of the old timers who brought in great contributions have left already. Some have expressed why they rarely post: because of the deterioration of the atmoshpere. The community, a strong selling point for GOG in its first years, is not what it used to be.

And yes, there is a petition for a block option in the forum. Reversible and to be employed, or not, at the will of each user. So that users can take the matter of clearing their reading list into their own hands.

It can just as easily be asserted that excessive concern with "trolling" is indicative of anal retentiveness.

What we have is conflicting pathologies, poor communication and problem-solving skills, and a resurgence of petty tribalism that has paralyzed human society with crippling polarization and hysteria -- all with the blessings of mass media. And all most of us want to do is make the symptoms go away -- which is insane, if we're perfectly honest. We're in serious trouble, and we're running out of time.
Post edited January 18, 2020 by richlind33
It's more like excessive jerkiness is indication of a jerk...

richlind33: What we have is
...some random guy desperately craving for attention... and this is the very last you got from yours truly ^_^ Enjoy...

Anyway, this thread has managed to become self-illustrative of the current state of the forum. Thanks for the generous collaborations! :-3
Post edited January 19, 2020 by Carradice
low rated
Carradice: It's more like excessive jerkiness is indication of a jerk...

richlind33: What we have is
Carradice: ...some random guy desperately craving for attention... and this is the very last you got from yours truly ^_^ Enjoy...

Anyway, this thread has managed to become self-illustrative of the current state of the forum. Thanks for the generous collaborations! :-3
Since you appear to be the very thing that you make reference to, I won't be missing your charming company -- especially as you seem completely ignorant of the fact that our perceptions reflect ourselves as much as the outwardly world.

Thread successfully derailed?
nevarRed: Thread successfully derailed?
tastes like grilled chicken
nevarRed: Thread successfully derailed?
Just to be clear, I did not intend to derail the thread with my grammar correction; it just sort of happened that people decided to latch on to that bit.

Maybe we need a topic about English grammar?
low rated
nevarRed: Thread successfully derailed?
dtgreene: Just to be clear, I did not intend to derail the thread with my grammar correction; it just sort of happened that people decided to latch on to that bit.

Maybe we need a topic about English grammar?
Apparently so. o.O
high rated
GameRager: ... it seems some just cannot take criticism(even civil) in today's social climes.
Bookwyrm627: ... Use some discretion.
Yeah Gameranger is a real victim on these forums. His diuretic contributions are clearly underappreciated by the mods thus we continue to enjoy his ever evolving sense of persecution and virtue signaling.
low rated
Carradice: The problem of allowing trolling, crossing the line, letting them cross back, write a few “serious” posts here and there, then half-crossing, then going further, then back again (without excluding adulation of the moderators), the problem of this is that, a general tone of trolling sets on the forum. It is not the issue of a limited number of fully dedicated trolls now. Instead, it affects and deteriorates the general atmosphere of the forum. Casual trolling seems to be OK then and contaminates a large portion of the exchanges.
The problem is that most today of the younger generations are special snowflakes who cannot handle even legitimate well intentioned criticism without labeling it anything bad in the book to dismiss it due to either believing it is such things each and every time, or not being able to handle anything over small talk like the weather/sports scores/virtual pats on the back(compliments & agreement)/etc.

Carradice: Telika was spot on about who is going to be reading the forum.
Extremists? Because that what they were trying to hint at with those symbols.

Also he was wrong...there are many good people here who still post, both civilly and in depth & tersely/somewhat jokingly(and in between).

Carradice: Too many of the old timers who brought in great contributions have left already. Some have expressed why they rarely post: because of the deterioration of the atmosphere.
Those who left with valid problems I have no qualms with, but those who left due to not being able to handle a bit of banter and a few actual bad posts by others here and there or perceived loss of quality get little sympathy from me.

I have stuck it out till now, enjoyed what good there is & ignored the bad, and had fun whiles doing so(and others did as well who talked to me, it seems, from our chats)...if others think it's so "not good" here let them go find some walled off small forum where they can hide in away from the "bad bad posts" and "poor quality" of the "plebeian forums" (like some sort of hermit) while the world passes them by.

Carradice: The community, a strong selling point for GOG in its first years, is not what it used to be.
The old "x board was never good" chan meme board/forum is going to be good all the time, and many are much worse....yet some people whine about the old days constantly while seemingly forgetting the bad that happened during those days(in general, not just gog forums) and seem to dismiss/play down the actual good there is.

Carradice: And yes, there is a petition for a block option in the forum. Reversible and to be employed, or not, at the will of each user. So that users can take the matter of clearing their reading list into their own hands.
If they did that it'd likely be essentially shadow banning at the user level and people would just be blocking those they disliked or were told were bad in large numbers, or blocking those that easily offended them till everyone was walled off into nice neat little samethink/hivemind groups.

The general forums would then be an even bigger ghost town/tumbleweed factory, which I don't think would be a good thing despite the minor possible benefits for a small handful who need such.

It would be good for bigger forums, but not for a smaller one like this.....for us we have jerkmuter for those who need it.


Carradice: Indeed. So much of the things that worry us as players of computer games is political. Plus things related to everyday life. And then anyone can claim, with bad intent, that this or that discussion is "political", against bona fide forum users. Nice example of a rule backfiring. The forum is a private one: Less fake legalisms and more practical action when due would help the forum better.
Agreed 100%. Every time I post anything on current events someone usually has tried to do the equivalent of the invasion of "the body snatchers point and hiss pose" with me and they will say something like: "He's posting political content...he's trying to break the rules or divide/troll the forum!"

And they don't just do it to my posts on gets tiresome after awhile, tbh.
Post edited January 19, 2020 by GameRager
low rated
Back on topic: I want to thank the new mods added for removing all the spam/spammers as of late & helping to make the board a bit nicer to be in....thanks for that, y'all.
Post edited January 19, 2020 by GameRager