Posted January 17, 2020

On topic: Forum guidelines are generic enough. Then, of course they are to be interpreted. Then, of course people with a penchant for trolling do things like: following the letter but not the spirit of the text describing the guidelines; accusing others of not respecting the letter (even if they follow the spirit) of that same text; getting as close to "the line" as possible, then crossing the line, then crossing the line back again, then loudly complaining about being banned, then loudly complaining about another username being banned... Nothing even remotely new. And they are right. Why? Because so far they have been able to get away with it. And if somehow a ban befalls one of them, it is going to be just what, a couple of months?
Going on a leg, it might be that a part of the concern that nightcraw1er.488 has is about the style of moderation that is going to be used: More people dedicated to moderation sounds good. Will that be enough? Is their moderation style going to be any different from what we have seen so far? Because more moderators might mean less threads left unwatched. Just that. So what then?
What will it take to make the general forum something like what it used to be? As in: less trolly, more useful, better signal-to-noise ratio, more fun to read. And no, trolling does not equate fun, unless you are into it yourself. It is just noise.
Good luck to the new moderators. Hopefully you will always be backed by your employer.
Post edited January 18, 2020 by Carradice