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Quick solution = just be nice:)
low rated
GameRager: Actually some gog users(like me) are to a small degree.

I can post civil nice comments like "Get well" or "Good luck" to others, or even help some with advice to fix their games/etc, and get low rated and/or insulted....and i'm not the only one this happens to.

Some here get low rated on nearly ALL posts, even ontopic/civil posts, which IS against the rules for others to do & which should some day be addressed(for all it happens to, not just me).
The only solution to this is to ignore it. Rep is just a meaningless number. All it does is to take away your rights to post links if it gets low enough. When I reach that point (every post I do on the forums costs me 2-3 points of Rep, so I'll have roughly 500 posts left), I'll do what I said in the past already: I'll create a second account, find an empty sub forum, create question threads and "answer" them with my original account (gives you 5 Rep, iirc). This is against the forum rules? Yeah, well... GOG will have to ban me then. Would be exactly my kind of humor.
Post edited January 20, 2020 by real.geizterfahr
sanscript: Well, according to some the English language is inherently un-precise. But, if it makes you feel better; I would trade in every language (and thus culture) into one world languages, English. That would be so much simpler... and perhaps promote more understanding and less conflict. :)
dtgreene: It would also mean the loss of things like jokes that don't work when translated.

It would also mean the loss of certain linguistic concepts that could be studied, like comparing how different languages handle things like gender, number, and formality..

Also, keep in mind that English has plenty of loan words; without them, certain topics could not realistically be iscussed.
Loss of culture and language is a part of our evolution, for better or worse. There are more English speaking people now than there was so even if we are heading towards a future with more multi-culturing splicing, we risk loosing something in the process. If we already had a universal language there wouldn't be something to translate... but, languages has a way of branching out either way...

Even now, several countries are being more protectionistic by limiting internet and free trade, but now I'm going a little beyond this thread :D
richlind33: But do we really have anything to say to each other? ;p
I promise - next time you can have the last word :p
low rated
real.geizterfahr: The only solution to this is to ignore it. Rep is just a meaningless number. All it does is to take away your rights to post links if it gets low enough.
As I have said a few times, it's not the points loss but the stigma of a negative rep score/how i'm viewed by newcomers/current forum goers, and also having my posts hidden to said newcomers, as well as(to me) low rating all one's posts smacks of disrespect.

That said, I hope they fix that rep system some day.....and maybe add in a vending machine...I need me some snacks.
dtgreene: Or, if you're not a victim, try telling the victims of it to do so.
No it's not me, but it's apparent that some people do get affected. Even those that respond kindly to those affected get affected with it. It feels like a schoolyard at times, except that we can't see who the bully/bullies are, while the teachers are off doing whatever. I posted not too long ago that I hadn't seen a mod post in the forum in a long time. Security 101: Visibility is a deterrent.

Hopefully with a couple of new mods, it'll get taken care of eventually.

As for the other rules of conduct, everyone has strong opinions about something. Most of us here are pretty good with hitting the backspace key and retyping something before hitting "post my message". I know I do quite a bit in an effort to keep things copacetic (I just learned this word on the forum today too).
low rated
Bookwyrm627: 2) I see some users getting snippy with each other. Please refrain.
GameRager: Fair enough request, but if I may ask:
what snippiness in particular?
Rome is burning, but the snippiness has gotten way out of hand! lol

richlind33: But do we really have anything to say to each other? ;p
sanscript: I promise - next time you can have the last word :p
Imagine if cockney became the lingua franca. Wouldn't that be delicious? lol
Post edited January 20, 2020 by richlind33
low rated
Wow... looks like my post was outright deleted.

We'll have no negativity here! Looks like that 'respect' rule is just in place for moderators and is enforced no matter how honest it is or how it's worded. I can randomly click on any forum thread here and find things more 'hostile' and 'disrespectful' than that post was.

I'd resolve to stop buying games on GOG over this... but... oh right.
GameRager: Fair enough request, but if I may ask:
what snippiness in particular?
I've already contacted them. Lets move on.

dtgreene: If the post with the problem is by a community mod or a GOG staff member, who should I report it to? Also, what process is there to make sure said reports are treated fairly?
I refer you back to the section you quoted.

Rule of thumb: Don't expect me to comment on behind-the-scenes processes.
low rated
im glad gogie ditched teh crappy rule /policy 'bout poland only. that seemed el nutso to me, 'special lee in communitea run locales
low rated
GreasyDogMeat: Wow... looks like my post was outright deleted.
I'd rather posts get deleted in small threads like this than lose entire threads to lockings or deletions, if we're being honest.

GreasyDogMeat: We'll have no negativity here! Looks like that 'respect' rule is just in place for moderators and is enforced no matter how honest it is or how it's worded. I can randomly click on any forum thread here and find things more 'hostile' and 'disrespectful' than that post was.
It's in place for all.....take my word on it(don't want to say more on this, out of respect for who I chatted with, but let's just say you're a bit wrong on that bit).

Also tbh it's nice to have some people keeping the peace if it means some of the nastier insults get taken care of.

(I agree some of the less harmful stuff should be given a more free pass, though, but that's not up to me)

That said we have cleaned up spam(and someone to deal with future floods if need be), people to police the major insults(ones who insult for no reason/etc), and hopefully more positives i've overlooked. I'd call it a win atm from where i'm standing.
low rated
GameRager: I'd rather posts get deleted in small threads like this than lose entire threads to lockings or deletions, if we're being honest.
Indeed... any post critical of these forums should be deleted.

I should also immediately be banned for no longer being a customer.

GameRager: It's in place for all.....take my word on it(don't want to say more on this, out of respect for who I chatted with, but let's just say you're a bit wrong on that bit).
No... no I'm not wrong on that. It was just proven to me and I see it all the time.

GameRager: Also tbh it's nice to have some people keeping the peace if it means some of the nastier insults get taken care of.
Of which my post was not involved.

GameRager: (I agree some of the less harmful stuff should be given a more free pass, though, but that's not up to me)
Then maybe don't comment on this specific situation.

GameRager: That said we have cleaned up spam(and someone to deal with future floods if need be), people to police the major insults(ones who insult for no reason/etc), and hopefully more positives i've overlooked. I'd call it a win atm from where i'm standing.
And yet the forums are worse than they used to be.
low rated
Bookwyrm627: I've already contacted them. Lets move on.
Ok....I just wanted to make sure nothing was amiss in the thread/etc. Have a good one. :)
Post edited January 20, 2020 by GameRager
LexRust: To clarify, forum code of conduct did not change at all.

The only reason we created that new topic is to outline general rules from the conduct to keep in mind and, more importantly, introduce our new forum moderators.
As mentioned in that post, for a detailed version of the forum rules, please read our Forum Code of Conduct.
Can you please move the support pages to a reputable host?
low rated
GreasyDogMeat: Indeed... any post critical of these forums should be deleted.

I should also immediately be banned for no longer being a customer.
I get that you're upset, but it's the lesser "evil"....bans and thread lockings like candy, or warnings and a few posts being deleted.

GreasyDogMeat: No... no I'm not wrong on that. It was just proven to me and I see it all the time.
I said partially wrong....not case you thought I meant fully.

GreasyDogMeat: Of which my post was not involved.
Anything demeaning of anyone(mod or user) is now being treated the same. It may have been a tad overkill but it seems comparatively fair & we've gotten some good things out of the new mods being here so far.

GreasyDogMeat: Then maybe don't comment on this specific situation.
I was just trying to reply a bit as your post seemed interesting/worth replying to, is all.

GreasyDogMeat: And yet the forums are worse than they used to be.
Worse overall? I have to disagree somewhat....spam cleanup, mass insulters dealt with(those who do so to get under some user's skin because they dislike them, I mean), etc.

You seem to only be looking at the negatives and not the positives.


mk47at: Can you please move the support pages to a reputable host?
You should try PMing them(hover over their name in one of their posts and click start conversation)....higher level staff often don't reply to thread replies to their thread posts.
Post edited January 20, 2020 by GameRager