BenKii: Has anyone mentioned the new Santa Clause movie "Fatman" starring Mel Gibson as Santa Clause? I saw it recently, and thought it was kinda meh. The movie is billed as a "dark comedy action film" and is about a man named Chris Cringle (aka Santa) who has recently been upset with how the world's youth have been getting worse making bad choices in their lives. Then he finds out that the government is pulling their funding from the North Pole so now he won't be able to pay his little elf helpers. So to keep the elves paid during the off-season he works a deal with the government to make weapons for the U.S. military (Yikes. So much for Santa being country neutral. Guess we own the man in the red suit. :D ). Elsewhere, a rich spoiled child gets upset with a block of coal he receives on Christmas so he hires a hitman to kill Santa. The hitman that the kid hires also has beef with the "Fatman" so it becomes mutually beneficial for him to take the job. The majority of the movie is spent between Chris Cringle working with the government and the hitman on his bloody road trip to find Santa. The actual showdown doesn't take place till near the end of the movie. Definitely not a movie for the kids but it does offer a different perspective on how Santa would fit in the real world if he were bound to the laws and rules of government.
I give this movie a 3 out of 5. The comedy portion was light on the chuckles and the action was very little. Mostly liked it for its original take on a realistic Santa.
edit: I guess the url linking is busted again. *sigh*
Santa thanks you for the thorough review. Check your stocking!
Falci: I'm in, but I've got to be honest, I'm not much of a Christmas movie person.
I mean, I love Die Hard, but not everyone considers that a Christmas movie. :P
For Christmas movies that are actually about it, I think The Santa Clause is the one that sticks the most to my mind and I remember finding Tim Allen's transformation into Santa quite fun to watch. The sequels didn't really stick with me though.
Santa enjoys Die Hard as much as the next person, don't worry :)
Check your stocking!