Johnathanamz: While add-ons or DLC's just ad stuff like 1 new gun skin or 5 new gun skins or 10 new maps, etc. Stuff like that.
Fenixp: You mean like Deeper Dungeons DLC for Dungeon Keeper which added 15 new price for the low price of like 30 bucks? Oh, right. No, there's absolutely no difference whatsoever. You're just calling DLC that you like 'Expansion pack'.
Huh? No I am not talking about that.
This is what I classify as expansion packs.
#1. Now in order for a Expansion Pack to be called a Expansion Pack if the video game is a open world singleplayer video game that you can constantly explore like The Elder Scrolls video games it has to have over or at least 30+ new types of armor (medieval or modern if the video game is a medieval video game or if the video game is a modern video game), over or at least 30+ new types of clothing (medieval or modern if the video game is a medieval video game or if the video game is a modern video game), new land that is the same size as the original video game itself or bigger than the original video game, over or at least 100+ NPC's, over or at least 30+ new types of weapons ( medieval or modern if the video game is medieval medieval weapons if the video game is modern modern weapons) and at least over 50+ campaigns, missions, stories, quests or whatever you wanna call them if the video game is medieval or modern.
#2. Another Expansion Pack is if the video game is a open world singelpalyer and multiplayer video game that you can constantly explore then same thing as #1.
#3 Another Expansion Pack is if the video game is not a open world video game they you can constantly explore but still singleplayer instead of having constantly explorable land or both singleplayer and multiplayer and you have levels or maps that when you beat a campaign, mission, story, quest, whatever you go onto the next level, map, whatever this Expansion Pack needs to have the Expansion Pack in either 2 ways requires you to have the original video game itself installed in order to play and once you install the Expansion Pack it takes you to a whole new menu and stuff like that for anyone who played Call of Duty and Call of Duty: United Offensive that's how I want the Expansion Packs or the second way the Expansion Pack can be is you don't need the original video game itself to play you just install the Expansion Pack but it still needs to have a whole new menu if anyone played Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon you will know what I am talking about and it still needs over or at least 30+ new types of armor (medieval or modern if the video game is a medieval video game or if the video game is a modern video game), over or at least 30+ new types of clothing (medieval or modern if the video game is a medieval video game or if the video game is a modern video game), over or at least 20+ new maps, over or at least 100+ NPC's, over or at least 30+ new types of weapons ( medieval or modern if the video game is medieval medieval weapons if the video game is modern modern weapons) and at least over 50+ campaigns, missions, stories, quests or whatever you wanna call them if the video game is medieval or modern.
Just like #1 new everything. There can be some vanilla stuff as an exception but there has to be lots of new stuff as well. I will gladly pay $20 dollars (USD), $30 dollars (USD), $40 dollars (USD) or even $50 dollars (USD) I don't ever want to pay $60 dollars (USD) for video games ever again or even $51 dollars (US)D if the video game is $50 dollars (USD) + $1 dollar (USD) because of tax or 1 cent because of tax then I will pay it that way and since I live in California there is sales tax so the video game will cost a few extra dollars (USD).